Gabriel Attal announces new campaign against harassment

Gabriel Attal announces new campaign against harassment

During his time at the Ministry of National Education, Gabriel Attal notably published a decree so that «fear changes sides» and that it is the bully who changes schools and not the bullied student.

On September 1, the day before the start of the school year, Gabriel Attal, the resigning Prime Minister, announced the launch of a new national campaign against bullying at school.

The former Minister of National Education, who made the fight against this scourge a “absolute priority”will visit the Jean de la Fontaine school in Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine) on Monday morning to present this initiative and to speak in particular to the students who are returning to school. “sometimes with a knot in my stomach” because they are victims of harassment, Matignon said.

“Prevention” campaign

The fact that Gabriel Attal has resigned, which prevents him from announcing new measures or new funding, does not pose any problems, according to Matignon, because it is a campaign of “prevention” and not of “valorization”This campaign, launched Monday morning on social networks, television and radio, takes the form of a “filmed social experiment”created in collaboration with the e-Enfance association and child psychiatrists, to raise awareness among adults of this violence.

In the campaign’s video clip, adults imagine scenes of harassment by putting themselves in the shoes of children who are being bullied or who are being bullied, before being confronted with real situations reported by the dedicated telephone number 3018. More than a million children are victims of harassment each year in France.

Empathy Course

“Harassment is a poison. But we are finding the antidote. (…) After the awareness at all levels, the change in mentality must continue to be felt everywhere on the ground”stressed Gabriel Attal in remarks reported by Matignon. “This is the fight I have decided to wage, and I will continue to wage it, even after I leave office.”added the head of the resigning government, also a deputy for Hauts-de-Seine, who must soon leave rue de Varenne.

In National Education (from July 29, 2023 to January 9, 2024), Gabriel Attal had notably published a decree so that “Fear changes sides” and that it is the bully who changes schools and not the bullied student. He had also introduced courses “empathy”which will be generalized this fall in nursery and primary schools. In November, he participated alongside his predecessor at Matignon Elisabeth Borne in a previous campaign intended to raise awareness among adults to better hear the words of children.



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