Par G.P
yesterday at 12:43,
Updated yesterday at 7:35 p.m.
The 19-year-old motorcyclist who hit little Kamilya was charged and placed under judicial supervision on Saturday evening. The Grasse prosecutor’s office, which had requested provisional detention, has appealed. The little girl’s life remains in serious jeopardy.
The father of little Kamilya, a 7-year-old girl knocked down by a motorbike on Thursday evening in Vallauris (Alpes-Maritimes), has expressed his anger after the suspect was placed under judicial supervision. “Thank you French justice. From tomorrow, citizens who have not been arrested (sic) in flagrante delicto know that they can drive as they (sic) want, act crazy on the road. Kill. No respect for our daughter or for ourselves”he wrote this Sunday, September 1st on his Facebook account. The little girl’s vital prognosis remains very engaged. Her father indicated Friday on social networks “that there is no more hope”.
The 19-year-old motorcyclist who hit the girl while doing a wheelie was indicted and placed under judicial supervision on Saturday evening. The suspect, who was not known to the police or the courts until this tragedy, is being prosecuted for “unintentional injuries resulting in total incapacity for work for more than three months due to a clearly deliberate breach of a specific safety or caution obligation by a driver of a motor vehicle”.
The Grasse public prosecutor’s office and the investigating judge had requested that the suspect be placed in provisional detention, but “The judge of liberties and detention has decided to place the person concerned under judicial supervision” with a number of obligations: ban on appearing in Vallauris, ban on leaving the Alpes-Maritimes department, report once every two weeks to the Antibes police station, not come into contact with the victim of the offence, their parents, brothers and sisters, refrain from driving any motor vehicle and finally hand over their driving licence to the court registry. The prosecution said on Saturday evening that it had appealed this decision.