John's mistake might make you smile. She nevertheless took her before the Draguignan criminal court this Friday.
Tried in immediate appearance, the sixty-year-old was sentenced to eight months of probation including an obligation for psychological care as well as to pay 3,600 euros to the civil parties: two gendarmes from the Fayence territorial brigade victims of violence and death threats on Tuesday December 17 in Saint-Paul-en-Forêt.
A young soldier, already on this same bench of civil parties a week earlier in another rebellion case, wears a splint on her hand as a souvenir…
The victim was not one
The police went to John's villa after a call from his wife. Panicked, in tears, she kept repeating that she was going to be killed by her husband.
The announcement of the blindness of the alleged victim accelerated their departure. Once there, the crew made contact with the lady on the steps, visibly fragile on a psychological level and apparently the victim of no violence.
At the same moment, John appeared around the corner of the house. As angry as he is surprised, the owner claims to have taken the police for disguised burglars preparing to take advantage of his wife's disability.
He therefore did not comply with the usual summons. Worse, he grabbed a chimney shovel, “but without ever being aggressive” specifies his lawyer Me Anatole Chalbos.
This did not prevent the gendarmes from using their electric pulse pistol. “On two occasions, reminds Me Alexandra Granier as a civil party. The first shot had no effect on him because he was so angry.”
Taser shot at a person with heart disease
A first shot occurred according to images from pedestrian cameras after seven seconds of verbal exchange. “On a person with heart disease, what's more, regrets his advice. He could have died instantly.”
On the contrary, John then resisted his arrest for many minutes, refusing to be handcuffed. Believing until the end that he was dealing with burglars.
“I realized too late what was happening to me, he regrets. SIf I'm not there, my wife can't cope. I wanted to protect her.”