“He refuses to let anyone approach him”: José has lived in his car in Ixelles for 20 years, his condition is worrying

“He refuses to let anyone approach him”: José has lived in his car in Ixelles for 20 years, his condition is worrying
“He refuses to let anyone approach him”: José has lived in his car in Ixelles for 20 years, his condition is worrying

For years, José held on, resisting the bad weather and the difficulties of life on the streets. Sometimes he escaped for short stays to the Côte d'Azur, to clear his mind and escape the isolation and harshness of his condition. However, for some time now, a new situation has disrupted his daily life. Circumstances deteriorated drastically. Winter, with its freezing temperatures, exacerbated his difficulties. “José no longer has a battery in his car and he can no longer warm up.”explains Alexandre, worried for his friend.

The current situation worries those he knows, especially since José seems to have stopped benefiting from any income or assistance. He seems to have cut ties with any form of support according to Alexandre. “It's a pretty complicated situation. I'm really worried because he's very misanthropic. A friend of mine, who lives nearby, saw him three weeks ago, but he refuses to let anyone near him.”.

For about a month, José has stopped all communication with his rare contacts. Alexandre reports that every attempt to get closer to him systematically fails. “He runs away every time.”he regrets, distraught. An observation that we can share, having tried to contact him on site.

José, who has become more fierce and suspicious over time, seems to categorically refuse any form of help, whether social or psychological. He flees anything that could lead him to reconnect with society and help him escape from this isolation, particularly social or psychiatric services. They, however, are unable to intervene, given that José firmly rejects any outside help.

José's state of health seems to be deteriorating, both physically and mentally. Exacerbated loneliness, combined with lack of heating and proper nutrition, seems to have a major impact on his well-being. “The ideal would be to find him accommodation in Ixelles, near where his car is currently located, but he refuses any help. This becomes a real impasse. I'm really worried.”



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