Let’s not let the Taliban condemn Afghan women to silence – Libération

Let’s not let the Taliban condemn Afghan women to silence – Libération


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While inside, new laws prohibit women from speaking in public, outside, those who denounce, like the athlete Marzieh Hamidi, are threatened with death. Feminist activists call for a general mobilization to bring out the confiscated words and denounce a “gender apartheid”.

par Shakiba Dawod, Afghan feminist activist, president of the association “Le Cercle persan” et Genevieve Garrigos, Paris councilor, former president of Amnesty International France

On August 15, 2021, the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan, plunging the country into a regime of terror in which women were once again deprived of hard-won rights. Only yesterday, millions of girls attended school and university, women sat in parliament, held positions as ministers, judges or teachers. Art, politics, culture and the economy were accessible to them. These rights were brutally taken away from them.

In three years, the Taliban have published at least 52 decrees establishing a regime confining women to isolation and oppression and if, initially, many States mobilized to provide them with support and offer them asylum, today their silence and inaction abandons them to the mercy of those who have become their torturers.

From imprisonment to confiscation of property

On August 21, the Taliban further tightened what can only be called “gender apartheid” by imposing new laws that prohibit women from speaking, singing, or reciting poetry in public, while requiring them to cover their entire bodies, including their faces. These measures, promulgated by the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, under the authority of the leader


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