Rain and storms are still on the horizon

Rain and storms are still on the horizon

A cold drop on the nearby Atlantic will cause unstable and stormy upwellings across the country. These storms could be violent with a risk of hail and strong gusts.

We’re not done with the storms and rains! The disturbances and storms that have been happening since the beginning of September are continuing this weekend, announces The Weather Channel.*

Nine departments are thus placed on orange alert for storms: Corrèze, Creuse, Dordogne, Gard, Hérault, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Haute-Vienne.

Rainy and stormy Saturday

Thunderstorms will begin to break out in the early afternoon over Limousin, then a storm axis should form from the south of Toulouse to the Massif Central. These thunderstorms will be locally violent, with a risk of hail and strong gusts. Accumulations of 20 to 50 mm will be possible in the space of a few hours. These thunderstorms will then shift towards the centre-east. Other thunderstorms will also go up to the Paris basin and the Grand Est the following night.

The cold drop positioned in the Bay of Biscay brings up warm air and raises temperatures: it will be 26°C in Lille, 29°C in Strasbourg and 33°C in Ajaccio.

More strong thunderstorms on Sunday

After the strong storms of the day before from the center to the northeast, the stormy situation continues between the Côte d’Azur and Corsica this Sunday. These storms should begin at midday and last a good part of the evening and the following night will rise from the Mediterranean Sea, while others will develop on the relief of the Southern Alps.

They will produce strong electrical activity, very heavy showers (20-50 mm in less than an hour), hail and strong gusts (>100 km/h). We cannot also exclude some whirlwind phenomena such as waterspouts or tornadoes.

Trend for the next few days

Monday will mark the end of the instability and bad weather with an episode of mistral and tramontane winds around the Mediterranean which will bring back dry and sunny weather.

*The Weather Channel is a property of the Figaro group.


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