DayFR Euro

Jimmy Mohamed puts his foot in it in public, the packed room stunned

It’s back to school for many people, but also for television channels. This Wednesday, September 4, the France Télévisions press conference was presented. The purpose of this was to discuss the programs that will be released very soon on the platform. The journalist was on the set of Health Magazine when he was joined by Jimmy Mohamed. A subject he knows very well and which therefore inspired him. “This gentleman, in addition to being an excellent doctor, is a very good guy,” begins Stéphane Sitbon. He then specifies that Jimmy Mohamed will have “the pleasure of presenting this show, which is very familiar to him. I would like to take this opportunity to greet Michel Cymes and Marina Carrère d’Encausse who have passed the baton to you. The main person concerned expressed his joy before launching into some very unexpected explanations.It is often said that taking 10,000 steps a day is the best thing to do. We don’t do them too much, but if you do just 10 minutes of physical activity a day, you are already starting to increase your life experience,” he said. Jimmy Mohamed then tried to learn more about Stéphane Sitbon’s daily life.

Jimmy Mohamed: a remark that does not go unnoticed

Jimmy Mohamed seems determined to give valuable advice. “It is the small steps of today that will make the good health of tomorrow”, he said before addressing the presenter directly. “Is it (…)

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