In July 2024, as every year, the Court of Auditors unveiled its traditional report on the management of the services of the Presidency of the Republic: for fifteen years, the institution has indeed had to scrutinize the expenses of the Head of State, the First Lady and all their collaborators. And while Brigitte Macron’s budget has seen a slight decrease compared to 2022, the overall budget of the Élysée has literally jumped over the past year! Faced with the record figures revealed in this new audit, the Court of Auditors then called for “vigilance”, inviting the presidential palace to make “significant” efforts to restore financial balance. But how much exactly do these presumably staggering expenses amount to? And by how much exactly have they increased?
On Wednesday, September 4, 2024, the company Statista unveiled an infographic comparing the annual expenses of the Élysée Palace since 2009. At the time, Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidency had cost 112.6 million euros. An amount that may seem astronomical, but which had not put the State in deficit: the profit/loss ratio was then + 200,000 euros. Since then, the expenses of the Élysée Palace had never exceeded this amount… until today. Indeed, in 2023, Emmanuel Macron and his collaborators spent 125.5 million euros, digging the biggest hole in the coffers in fifteen years. This budget overrun thus led to an unprecedented deficit, (…)
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