“We must remove everything that belongs to this man”
DayFR Euro

“We must remove everything that belongs to this man”

François Hollande was invited onto the set of “C à Vous” this Thursday, September 12, 2024. He reacted to the current political situation in the country but also to the recent revelations about Abbé Pierre.

The Conference of Bishops of France (CEF) announced this Thursday, September 12, 2024, to open its archives without delay, and without waiting the usual 75 years, to researchers, and in particular to those mandated by Emmaüs, to investigate Abbé Pierre. The objective is to better understand all the accusations around him, since these new testimonies of women accusing him of sexual assault. Emmaüs has announced an independent commission tasked “to explain the malfunctions“which allowed him”to act as he has done for over 50 years“, without all of this leaking out.

This Thursday, September 12, 2024, while he was the guest of C à Vous on France 5, François Hollande wondered how it was possible to learn all this so ““lately”adding that “that’s the problem“For Julie Gayet’s husband, the verdict is final: “We must remove everything that is relevant to this man who, in his private life, behaved in a certain way like a delinquent, to say the least.“The former President of the Republic, and new MP, is therefore in favour of his name being removed from streets, schools and even squares. Which is still a matter of debate.

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François Hollande has however admitted that for…

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