Frédérique Bel reveals she was the victim of an attempted rape (VIDEO)
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Frédérique Bel reveals she was the victim of an attempted rape (VIDEO)

Frédérique Bel is making her return to the spotlight by participating in the third season of Traitors on M6. Invited by Jordan de Luxe this Monday, September 9 on C8, the actress took the opportunity to discuss her career, as well as the Me Too movement.

Frédérique Bel cash on the #MeToo movement

She also shared an anecdote about a conversation a casting director overheard and reported to her.

I never talked about it so you’re going to get scoops. I’m collateral damage of Me Too. (…) I’m one of those who said ‘no’ to certain producers, certain directors so the sanction is always a bit difficult, obviously behind they don’t rehire you, which means that I didn’t have access to the roles I didn’t want and I had confirmation from a casting director, she was at a festival and she was listening to a director and a producer talking among themselves who seemed quite close, and they said ‘for the actress, we could take Frédérique, it’s great’ and the other said ‘no, no she doesn’t sleep around’ because the guy wanted to screw his actresses. (…) Not everyone is like that and I really want to say it, there are people who are really great” she said.

She also revealed that she had several personalities in mind who could be attackers.I have two or three targets, I wait for them to pass. I don’t want to create the mood. (…) If it’s just me, I don’t say anything, there are a lot of actresses who need to say it, and I don’t really care.” she confided in front of Jodan.

Also read

The Traitors – Frédérique Bel: “Something happened that the viewers didn’t see…”

The actress reveals that she was the victim of an attempted rape

She also revealed that she had been the victim of an attempted rape.

- Télé 7 Jours

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