Emilien stronger than anything! “Extraordinary” situation in the 12 Coups de midi, “it never happens”
DayFR Euro

Emilien stronger than anything! “Extraordinary” situation in the 12 Coups de midi, “it never happens”

Emilien proved that he was not just there to win in the new issue of “12 Coups de midi” this Monday, September 9. The champion spoke out during the game to help another candidate. A situation deemed “extraordinary” by Jean-Luc Reichmann.

It will soon be a year sinceEmilien sets the pace for filming 12 Midday Shots. At only 21 years old, he is the greatest champion of the TF1 game and he has not finished impressing us. This Monday, September 9, Jessica’s companion proved it again by directly taking on the host Jean-Luc Reichmann.

The latter asked the question: “What is the definition of a word containing PH?” to the candidate of the day Fanny, who came to challenge Emilien. And the latter replied: “an ancient greek infantry“. A mistake on his part according to the well-informed Zette and her sidekick Jean-Luc Reichmann. But Emilien was there to correct them.”I was thinking if the phalanx doesn’t work, it’s Macedonian so it must work in Greek.“, he said.

Jean-Luc Reichmann cancels a question

Doubt was then sown in everyone’s minds and the presenter was forced to call on his teams behind the scenes to get to the bottom of this story. “So here we are in a rather extraordinary case. As you will have understood, our authors check and recheck the questions. If it allows you to not only shine but also save Fanny, I will be very happy. We are obviously watching in the control room“, he informed the candidates on his set. A few moments later, the good knowledge of the Midday Master was confirmed.

We have a very very…

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