“I was panicked”, this upsetting SMS written by Françoise Hardy to her son, Thomas Dutronc
DayFR Euro

“I was panicked”, this upsetting SMS written by Françoise Hardy to her son, Thomas Dutronc

He is back with a new album called, Il n’est jamais trop tard. On Friday, September 13, 2024, Thomas Dutronc fans will be able to listen to his unreleased tracks, full of tenderness and a lot of emotion. On the occasion of this news, the musician confided in our colleagues at Le Parisien, on Monday, September 9, 2024. During this interview, Jacques Dutronc’s son then indicates that he did not have time to make his mother, Françoise Hardy, listen to his new songs, who died on June 11, 2024, at the age of 80. “She had hearing problems recently. I especially wanted to finish a beautiful record for her. I know that she would have liked some songs, others less or that she would have liked later,” he confides, with tenderness but also with nostalgia.

Although Thomas Dutronc states that he did not experience any great difficulty in finishing this album after the death of his mother, he nevertheless remembers having experienced painful moments, especially when he was in concert and therefore far from Françoise Hardy who was suffering martyrdom because of her laryngeal cancer. “One evening in Châtellerault, after a concert, she sent me her last text message around 1 a.m., three weeks before her death: ‘I love you more than anything’. I replied: ‘Me too, my dear mother’ and I sent her photos of me as a baby with her”. Lovely declarations that were punctuated by an alarming message: “Then, I received another message: ‘I’m dying’. I was (…)

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