Justice tolls the death knell for the controversial intellectual


Islamologist Tariq Ramadan, 62, was convicted on appeal. The Swiss intellectual, grandson of the founder of the Egyptian Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, a specialist in Islam, contested and with declining influence, is regularly accused of hiding radical ideas behind a pleasant facade.

In a dramatic turnaround, Swiss Islamologist Tariq Ramadan has been sentenced on appeal in Switzerland for rape and sexual coercion to a three-year prison sentence, including one year to be served, after being acquitted at first instance. The Criminal Appeal and Review Chamber “annuls the judgment of the criminal court of May 24, 2023, finding Tariq Ramadan guilty of rape and sexual coercion for almost all of the facts reported“, indicated the Geneva Court of Justice as reported by AFP.

The Criminal Appeal and Review Chambersentences Tariq Ramadan to a three-year custodial sentence, without suspension for one year“. She thus confirmed information from Swiss public television RTS.”These events occurred in Geneva on the night of 28 to 29 October 2008, the date on which the complainant was raped and subjected to sexual acts.“, adds the justice. The parties having waived a public reading of the judgment, it was notified to them by mail.

The ruling, dated August 28, can be appealed within 30 days to the Federal Court, which is the Supreme Court of the Confederation. The appeal trial was held in late May in Geneva. The prosecutor had requested three years in prison, half of which would be firm, and raised the notion of “control” exercised by Tariq Ramadan, 62, compared to a “Stockholm syndrome” in the complainant.

Tariq Ramadan, a charismatic figure…

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