“A man was killed…” The summary of September 9 (SPOILERS)

“A man was killed…” The summary of September 9 (SPOILERS)

Maya is questioned by the police

Charlotte tells Samuel that it is indeed a blood stain. She will give him more details about the person’s identity during the day. Samuel fears that they have arrived too late to save Yanis.

Barbara finds Jennifer and confides in her that she can’t stop thinking about Yanis. She fears that the police will arrest her. Jennifer offers to come sleep at her place to help her with Yaël, but Barbara insists that they must not change their habits so as not to arouse suspicion.

Blanche confides in Luna that she won’t be able to live with Yanis’ death on her conscience without saying anything. Maya arrives at the Flower Pavilion and tells them that she has been summoned by the police to provide more information. Maya asks Blanche and Luna to help her prepare for her interrogation. Together, they go over her schedule, and Blanche and Luna reassure her that she has nothing to reproach herself for.

Blanche and Luna are washing their car when Jean-Paul comes to ask them a few questions about Yanis’ disappearance. Blanche is cleaning a small blood stain on the car, and Jean-Paul gets annoyed because the former teacher doesn’t know how to properly clean a car. He explains to her how to do it, which annoys Blanche, who accuses him of “mansplaining” in order to get him to leave them alone. Once Jean-Paul leaves, Blanche shows Luna the blood stain he didn’t see near the hood.

Maya is questioned by Samuel and Jean-Paul and tells them that she was working the day Yanis disappeared and that she ran into her neighbor. Maya seems stressed, and once she leaves, Samuel and Jean-Paul think that she is hiding something and that she could have killed Yanis.

Charlotte announces to Jean-Paul and Samuel that the blood stain found in the trunk of Yanis’ car belongs to a woman.

Mirta aide Kilian

In Massalia, Kilian calls an advisor for his employees’ pay. The young students of Massalia get annoyed because he speaks very loudly in the hall. S…

- Télé 7 Jours

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