DayFR Euro

Domitys offers 40 positions, some of which are in Seine-et-

The Domitys group, leader in senior service residences in , continues its development with the creation of nearly 300 positions this year and the opening of 16 new residences.

In Île-de-France, 40 positions are to be filled, including several in the residences of Seine-et-: three in Combs-la-Ville, two in Provins, two in Serris and one in . Room managers, waiters, multi-skilled agents and life and security assistants are particularly sought.

Domitys launched its new employer brand

Interested candidates through this recruitment campaign must “share a real “fibre senior’’in order to build authentic connections with residents'', according to Domitys.


The group has also unveiled its new employer brand. Co-constructed with the Epoka agency, it is focused on lien social and intergenerational relationships. Domitys wishes, in fact, to promote a collaborative environment in a meaningful sector.

Deployed since January 15this campaign is distributed on a series of paper (posters, roll-ups, on-site banners, flyers, etc.) and digital (social networks, etc.) media.


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