His absence is felt. For several weeks, Valérie Bénaïm has left we walk on her head on Europe 1 and touch my post on C8. His absence is due to a health problem. Indeed, it was diagnosed with a disease that “Ultimately makes you deaf”. So she was operated on and is now recovering. Despite the absence of his columnist, Cyril Hanouna is Still present on Europe 1. On Thursday, January 23, he exchanged with several listeners. Among them, Brigitte, who told her: “I am very happy to have you because I look at you every night, your show is great”.
An auditor creates confusion around Valérie Bénaïm
After her exchange with Brigitte, Cyril Hanouna greeted him to hang up. His auditor, however, wished send a message. “I would like to kiss my friend Valérie“She said. The host then replied: “Valérie Bénaïm! So if you can speak a little louder, Brigitte, when you are kissing in Valérie …”. If this attention delighted the host, it was followed by The silence of his auditor. She then told her that she was not talking about Valérie Bénaïm but “Valérie Bonnet”, A friend to her. Enough to trigger the laughter of Cyril Hanouna, Géraldine Maillet and other columnists. Visibly embarrassed by this misunderstandingthe host then (…)
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