Wednesday January 22, 2025, since 4:30 p.m., trains between Normandy and Paris are no longer running due to a signaling fault at Saint-Lazare station. Traffic should resume from 11 p.m.
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Following a signaling fault at Saint-Lazare station, train traffic was interrupted between Normandy and Paris at 4:42 p.m., on the Paris-Caen-Cherbourg and Paris-Rouen-Le Havre lines.
-“This is a traffic light fault, we are forced to pass the trains one by one,” indicates the SNCF. Trains were canceled, causing major disruptions at Saint-Lazare station.
The resumption of train circulation is estimated at 11 p.m.
The conditions for exchange and refund of tickets have been exceptionally relaxed. More information on this website.
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