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More than 78,600 irregular emigration attempts aborted in 2024 (ministry)

The Morocco continued in 2024 to face constant and growing migratory pressure in an unstable regional environment carrying multiple threats, underlines the ministry, specifying that 58% of irregular foreign migrants are from the countries ofWest Africa12% originating from the countries of Maghreb and 9% are from countries ofEast Africa and Central.

In addition, a total of 332 trafficking networks were dismantled, the same source points out, noting that these networks are constantly developing their stratagems and pooling their services and criminal activities. In this regard, 14 assaults and attempted attacks on the presidents of Sept et Melilia were recorded, involving a total of more than 4,290 migrants.

On the same note, 18,645 migrants were rescued at sea and were able to benefit from support in terms of assistance,medical supportaccommodation and orientation within the framework of humanized management of borders.

In addition, some 6,135 irregular migrants benefited from voluntary returns to their countries of origin, in coordination with their diplomatic legations, as part of the protective approach of the National Immigration and Asylum Strategy (SNIA).


These efforts denote Morocco’s major contribution in terms of regional security and the fight against cross-border trafficking networks. They also reflect its commitment to solidarity with all its partners for a collective approach to the challenges of the migration issue.



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