In their capacity as members of the Departmental Union of Jura Firefighters (UDSP39), seven Jura residents – all from Longchaumois – wore the colors of the Jura firefighters during the 29th French Nordic Ski Championship for firefighters. firefighters. Around a hundred participants from all over France competed on different hilly courses from the Col de Larche, on the Italian border. And even if the snow was unpredictable this year, the event was a great success in a great state of mind.
The Jura podiums
- Longchaumois team: 3rd in the relay
- Michel Bourgeois = 2nd in the 10 km scratch
- Sophie Poillot = 1st woman M3
- Jean-Yves Tissot = 3e M8
- Michel Bourgeois = 1er M6
- Daniel Buffard = 1er M9
Next meeting given to the 2,600 members of the Departmental Union of Jura Firefighters, whether active, young firefighters or former firefighters, the Ain-Jura firefighters ski challenge on Saturday February 1st in Bellefontaine. The opportunity to share a friendly and sporting moment with fellow Ain firefighters.
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