Paulo Fonseca, former entrant of Lille au Parc OL (Photo by JEFF PACHOUD / AFP)
With OL's recent poor results, it was enough for Pierre Sage's position to be called into question. In Italy, the trail leading to Paulo Fonseca has emerged.
Four points in three Ligue 1 matches, an elimination in the Coupe de France and a game at half-mast… It was enough to see Pierre's post Sage be called into question. Since taking office in November 2023 as interim, the Lyon coach has known that everything could stop overnight. Although he brought back theOL from beyond the grave, he knows that he is not eternal, although he would see himself on the bench for many years.
Only, with an owner like John Weaverwho changes his trainers faster than his shadow, the sword of Damocles is continually above his head. Moreover, in his interview with RMCthe American had confirmed that “Sage would be in office as long as he wins“. At OL, the situation is not necessarily critical yet and yet, rumors of replacements are already starting to rear their heads.
-A profile that has been popular for months
Everything but a surprise even if OL are still well within their target times for their end-of-season objectives. However, the name Paulo Fonseca would not be forgotten between Rhône and Saône, if we are to believe Tuttomercatoweb. Dismissed fromAC Milan in recent weeks, the Portuguese technician has been a profile that has been popular with OL for several months. Almost a year ago, the former coach of LOSC was mentioned in Lyon's little papers to take over from Pierre Sage, only confirmed until the end of the season. Will things be different this season? Contacted by Olympique-et-Lyonnaisl’OL “is not intended to respond to rumors”.
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