It will have escaped no one's notice that the rainfall in our department has broken records in 2024. With brutal excesses, such as the floods of June 2024, for which road officials in particular had to intervene on several occasions to ensure the continuity of public services.
At the national level, Météo France has established that “2024 is the seventh rainiest year since 1959”.
On the other hand, the number of days of frost is decreasing sharply, which is not without consequences for agricultural production. Indeed, certain crops (cereals, fruit trees, etc.) need a vegetative rest to avoid the appearance of diseases or parasites.
Climate change is not just an increase in average temperatures or an increase in hot days. It also results in an increase in extreme climatic events. Remember that a report from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) establishes that the objective of remaining below +2°C is still achievable but at the cost of a radical transformation of our societies and public policies.
-And yet the year 2023 was a record year for global greenhouse gas emissions, which reached 57.1 gigatons of CO2 equivalent. Individual and collective efforts are more necessary than ever.
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