Saturday January 25, 10:30 a.m., at l'Arrosoir (5 rue de Crussol, Figeac), Les Nuits & les Jours de Querbes are offering the first Literary Café of the year! On the theme of “confinement”, Jean-Paul Oddos will present around fifteen works, classic or recent, by authors who have experienced or evoke what “deprivation of liberty” can be. He also specifies: “Conclusion can take several forms, from deprivation of liberty formal, between four walls, in application of a court decision, political arbitrariness or patriarchal custom, to psychological confinement within a deconstructed family, following a depression or in the “hell of an addiction”.
Each time a human being experiences one or other of these “prisons”, the reference to lost freedom, to full control of oneself and one's destiny, takes on a strong resonance, which animates numerous literary works. .
Access is free, everyone can discuss a work on this theme during the discussions. In collaboration with the Champollion bookstore (where you can obtain the books, directly or to order).
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