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More than 19 million euros invested in this town in Mayenne


William Jeanne

Published on

Jan 19, 2025 at 11:20 a.m.

It is rare, for a commune less than 3 000 habitantsto know about such copious investments for one to two years future. However, at Ambrières-les-Valléesin Mayenne, more than 19 million euros will in fact be spent. For what ? And for which projects? The point.

19 million euros invested in four projects

The maire returned to the four important projects which will be carried out in 2025-2026. Investment total for the municipality amounts to 19.4 million euros, with financing plans involving numerous communities (Department, Region, State).

• Urban center (1)

The first project is to restore coherence to the urban center around the shops by the reappropriation of the city heart.

on Ambrières were given to many community volunteers. 36 new partners are involved. Among them: Sabiha Salalmi: APE, Jean-Noël Landemaine: ACA, Catherine Corbeau, ADMR, Nicolas Peccatte, badminton, Lepetit, judo club, Michel Bahier creation of the Padel association. ©GJ

THE successive acquisitions near 7 owners (companies, individuals, the post office, Mayenne Habitat) made it possible to free up 20,059 m² in the heart of the city for an amount of €355,000.

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Pour anticipate the implementation of the deconstruction a new building was created for the Post Office.

This building will preserve the mail section of the community of communes of Bocage Mayennais and serve Post Office customers for 15 km around Ambrières.

From the first trimester 2025, 637 m² of building will be deconstructed (old stable, sorting center, garages and annexes and 50% of the surface area of ​​the old marble factory) for a cost of €181,995 less than the estimate by €40,000.

The estimated duration of the work is 13 weeks and will take place between end of February et avril.

• EHPAD (2)

The new EHPAD La Varenne ©Synthetic image projected by the town hall of Ambrières-les-Vallées during the greetings.

The architect competition took place in the first half of 2023. The building permit was granted on October 22, 2024.

Consultation of companies will take place around February 2025 for a start of work in the first half of 2025 and a reception at the end of 2026.

The municipality has committed to date: the free provision of the land, the bank guarantee of 50% of the loans alongside the Departmental Council of Mayennethe carrying of investment heat network and production meals.

The investment budget for the EHPAD is around 13.5 million euros. The CNSA (national solidarity fund for autonomy) provides €2,128,570 and the Departmental Council €2,169,125. Other requests are in progress.

Guy Ménard, mayor of Ambrières-les-Vallées

• Central kitchen (3)

The central kitchen of Ambrières-les-Vallées ©Synthetic image projected by the town hall of Ambrières-les-Vallées during the greetings.

The construction of a building which will be located between the EHPAD and school. This will accommodate the central kitchenthe boiler room and the dining room students from CP to CM2.

The building permit was granted on October 29, 2024. The companies are selected for a investment total of €4,119,308 distributed between two budgets annexes (central kitchen and boiler room) and the general budget for the dining room. The latter will be connected to the boiler room of school.

The amount of subsidies (State, Region and Bank of Territories) is €1,190,000.

• The gateway (4)

The footbridge ©Synthetic image projected by the town hall of Ambrières-les-Vallées during the greetings.

The study Planned carried out in 2015 echoed recurring observations concerning the difficulty ofbe attractive at the bottom of town.

It results, among other things, from the heavy traffic on the bridge, originally built in 1944, designed as temporary.

Crossing the river for trucks is tricky given the right angles located at each access. However, the ways to improve attractiveness in this sector are not lacking (left bank urban development, Vélo Francette / city center link).

This is why a second, secondary bridge will be created. It will be a gatewayallowing pedestrians and bicycles to be separated on one side, and the car traffic and heavyweights on the other.

This gateway must make it possible to create this secure link between the two banks. THE preliminary studies carried out allowed the project to respect the rules linked to the law on water and biodiversity, while respecting the heritage (validation by the architect of Bâtiments de ).

A few words on the 2025 budget

A few words on the 2025 budget: the current context is anxiety-provoking. The State is looking for itself, the Regions, Departments and Communities of Municipalities are in difficulty”, begins Guy Ménard. The consequences are important for the municipality: less subsidy from our territorial partners represents an impact on future investments. Also, Ambrières must also participate in the State's debt reduction effort, which is why we must make do with imposed reductions in overall allocations.

Calls for tenders are planned at the start of the year for a delivery end of first quarter 2026. The amount forecast is €1,328,914.

The amount of grants (DREAL, Europe and Department) is between €576,295 and €676,295.

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