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The horoscope for Saturday January 18, 2025

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3rd decan, Mars, your ruling planet, is still retrograde until the end of February. Family quarrel or work at home, you still have more than a month to go. Nothing moves as quickly as you want and if you have a decision to make, you hesitate, you are afraid that it will not be the right decision. It is true that Mars does not make anything easier when it is direct and even less so when it is retrograde. It is a planet that requires effort from you in relation to your nature, especially when impatience is part of it!


Mercury looks at you with kindness 2nd decan, so it is up to you to be kind to your loved ones and give them the advice they need. We know how judicious you can be and you are often right, we can only be grateful to you. However, sometimes you can be a little too… persuasive. If you give advice, you sometimes insist heavily that the other person listens to you, because this reassures you of the value of the advice you are giving them. Otherwise, you are destabilized.


Since May 2024, Jupiter has occupied your sign and is currently stationed in your 2nd decan, retrograde until 4/2. His promises will be kept from this date. Whether they are positive or negative depends on your birth chart. However, you know what it is because the planet passed your Sun for the first time in mid-July. So she's coming back to the same place right now and until the beginning of March. If nothing has happened in 2024, there is a chance that you will be able to develop something by the end of April, take a chance, or resume a project that you had left unfinished.


Mercury is facing you and is well connected to Saturn. 2nd decan, if you need to discuss a discussion or if you are waiting for a green light, now is the right time. It may even already be done given that Mercury is very fast at the moment. It will retrograde in the month of March in the 1st decan of Aries, opposite your 1st decan, but this is not of capital importance: it may just be that you are falling behind on work for example, or that a loved one sulks you for a while.


The Sun, your master, will enter Aquarius tomorrow and will position itself opposite you, while being conjunct Pluto. He already is and a relationship problem is tormenting you. I will talk to you about it often during this year, but rather to give you good news! Indeed, over the months, Neptune will begin a good aspect with you and with Pluto, then it will be Saturn's turn to do exactly the same and finally, the best: Uranus will change sign and be in phase with you (and the others). planets) for 7 years.


This is your planet, Mercury, which is interesting because it represents someone you are talking to who is playing a positive role in your current situation. If you are from the 2nd decan, this has been discussed for several days, you are not at the best, especially if you have a choice to make… But the planets are starting to be less active and this weekend precisely, Mercury comes to play a positive role. If you haven't done so yet, call a friend, this person will be very good advice.


Venus is not the only one to have control over your sign, Saturn also has it and it occupies your daily sector. A daily life that has been tiring since 2023. You have too much work, or you have pain somewhere, but you are not in the best shape, without being really sick. Sometimes you feel overwhelmed by obligations that are taking over your mind. The 1st decan has finished, and for the 2nd it will be over on February 24. Then it will be the turn of the 3rd which will receive the influxes of Saturn until May 25.


Like Leo and Scorpio, you must feel the influences of the Sun which enters Aquarius tomorrow, and its conjunction with Pluto. The past repeats itself for some. That is to say, Pluto plays an important role since it is your ruling planet and it occupies your family sector, that of childhood… A situation from the past is therefore repeating itself and it Now is the time to analyze it, to make conscious what is still buried within you, in order to better understand certain foundations of your personality.



Jupiter, your planet, retrograde opposite your Sun, if born around December 3, 4. Would you be on trial or on the contrary ready to commit to someone, whether romantically or professionally? Many other situations can arise, but they will all have one thing in common: you are not solely responsible, or you are asked to be part of a group, an association, a troop… The situation had already been mentioned in June-July 2024, probably in a very superficial manner.


Mercury is featured in your 2nd decan, well connected it accentuates your humor, your curiosity and your desire to communicate better with those close to you. They won't complain about it, quite the contrary because you have the reputation of not expressing yourself much… But even if you don't express yourself, you don't think any less of it because you are more intellectual than manual. .. Although, with Mercury in your sign, some will want to do something with their hands.


3rd decan, you still receive influxes from Uranus, your planet, which will be more active from January 30. Things will change in your life until July. But on July 7, Uranus will enter Gemini for the first time in 84 years, and will be in harmony with your 1st decan, as well as Pluto, Saturn and Neptune. An exceptional situation, which will be repeated next year; it indicates that you are totally in tune with the times and that it is in your interest to turn to new technologies.


Your planet, Neptune, will enter Aries at the end of March, it has been your home since 2011. Good riddance for many of you who have had many illusions. Or who have been abused, or even poorly treated. For some time now, it was especially the 3rd decan who may have felt like a victim of someone or a situation. However, some have had the opportunity to achieve everything with Neptune conjunct their Sun: it depends on the origin of the planet, where it is located in your chart and what aspects it receives.

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