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SIGNED GUITRY Author: Sacha GUITRY Director: Laure Trégouët Actors: Sarah Gaumont, Fabrice Pannetier or Fréderic Valentin, Nathalie Trégouët, Vincent Varinier or Alain Cerrer and Laure Trégouët “Love is big words before, small words during, bad words afterwards…” Sacha Guitry Good words, misunderstandings, arguments and twists and turns we plunged in 1955 into the heart of old . Couples form, break up, reconcile, cross paths, seduce each other, take revenge, challenge each other and love each other. Rediscover the elegant pen and famous humor of Sacha Guitry through 5 comedies in 1 act. A succulent moment to devour like candy and savor the festive and rock'n roll atmosphere of the 50s! Genre of show: comedy Duration of show: 1h15

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