A gathering is scheduled for this Thursday, January 16 at 12:30 p.m. in front of the Directorate of Departmental National Education Services in Carcassonne and another at 2 p.m. in front of the Narbonne sub-prefecture. With the demand: to remove the precariousness of those accompanying students with disabilities (AESH) and educational assistants (AED).
This day of Thursday, January 16 will be marked, in National Education, by a strike movement launched at the national level to demand an upgrade of the status of accompanying students with disabilities (AESH) and educational assistants ( AED). In Aude, rallies are planned in front of the Directorate of Departmental National Education Services (DSDEN) in Carcassonne from 12:30 p.m. and the Narbonne sub-prefecture at 2 p.m.
The FSU, CGT éduc'action, Sud education and Snalc unions are calling for mobilization. They claim “a significant increase in remuneration”, “the abandonment of localized inclusive support centers”, “the creation of a category B civil service in the state civil service”. Furthermore, the new provision on support during the lunch break is also in the viewfinder. The unions are therefore demanding “the recognition of full time on the basis of 24 hours of student support, without adding new missions to extracurricular time”.
The CGT Educ'action and Sud Éducation also wanted to exercise their right to strike to defend the AEDs, that is to say the supervisors in middle and high schools, who according to them are “invisibilized and precarious”, “with fixed-term contracts renewed every year which never end in permanent contracts after six years”deplore Karine Abauzit and Sandrine Garcia. Increase in salaries, obtaining the REP bonus in full, request for job creation, that night hours be paid, these are some of the demands put forward by the unions.
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