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Le Chênois, the official organ of the communes of Trois-Chêne, is 110 years old

While the context of the French-speaking press is gloomy, the municipal newspaper Le Chênois has demonstrated remarkable longevity: this year it is celebrating its 110th anniversary (pretext image).


In Geneva, the newspaper Le Chênois is celebrating its 110th anniversary this year. Printed in 18,300 copies and distributed to all households in Chêne-Bourg, Chêne-Bougeries and Thônex, the official organ of the communes of Trois-Chêne will now also be available in newspaper boxes.

The objective is to increase the visibility of the newspaper and make it accessible to people not residing in Trois-Chêne, indicates the editorial staff of Le Chênois in a press release. A website will also be launched this anniversary year to complete the presence of the local media on social networks.

Le Chênois was created in the middle of the First World War by the authorities of Chêne-Bougeries. It aimed to inform the population more effectively of official decisions at a time when initiatives followed one another to support the men mobilized at the borders and their families left to their own devices.

In 1926, Le Chênois became the official organ of the communes of Trois-Chêne. It publishes official notices, press releases from municipal societies and historical chronicles. For 68 years, it will only deal with municipal affairs from the sole official angle, being under the direct responsibility of the executive.

The new formula open to the outside world was launched in 1983. Le Chênois then depended on the municipal councils. In 2003, the newspaper was entrusted to an association which included members of executives and municipal councils. The editorial team has an editor-in-chief, an assistant director, a graphic designer, a team of 5 to 7 journalists and volunteer editorial partners.

Le Chênois appears seven times a year. The longevity of the newspaper is ‘remarkable’ in a gloomy context for the French-speaking press, notes the editorial staff. It is largely explained by the financial support of Chenois municipalities, but also by the loyalty of local advertisers.




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