Ziguinchor, January 11 (APS) – The Minister of Family and Solidarity, Maïmouna Dièye, officially launched, Saturday, in Ziguinchor (south) the pilot phase of the Project to support displaced people returning to Casamance (PADC), executed by the Emergency Program for the Modernization of Border Axes and Territories (PUMA), to support the return of people displaced by the armed conflict to their villages of origin, noted the APS.
The pilot phase of the Project to support displaced people returning to Casamance (PADC), planned for the period 2024-2025, is financed at a total cost of 4,698,000,000 CFA francs.
“This project essentially aims to facilitate the resettlement of our compatriots from Casamance who were forced by the armed conflict to leave their land, their home, and often part of themselves to preserve their families,” explained the minister.
She was speaking on the sidelines of the launching ceremony of the said project, in the presence of the governor of Ziguinchor, Mor Talla Tine.
Administrative and territorial authorities, department heads, notables, religious leaders and a large public also took part in the ceremony.
“The PADC also aims to contribute to the achievement of the strategic objectives set out in the Diomaye Plan for Casamance, the aim of which is, clearly, the restoration or even the strengthening of social and territorial equity promoting the feeling of belonging to the same nation and to maintain the flame of unity and national cohesion,” added Maimouna Dièye.
She specified that the PADC is part of the continuity and consolidation of PUMA actions, initiated between 2017 and 2023, to support the resettlement of displaced families, from the localities of Bissine, Mahmouda, Effock, Santhiaba Manjaque, Djirack and Youtou in the Ziguinchor region and those of 23 villages, the communes of Djibanar, Kaour, Yarang balante and Simbandi balante in the Sédhiou region.
Maïmouna Dièye indicated that for the year 2025, the project targets a total of 992 households in the regions of Ziguinchor, Sédhiou and Kolda. »They will be equipped with construction materials, latrines, work relief equipment and development of market gardening and agricultural areas for the development of income-generating activities, particularly through agriculture and related activities. » , she added.
“In short, she said, the project aims to contribute to the rehousing of returning displaced populations by providing construction materials for permanent housing, access to quality health care, water drinking water, schooling, the cultivation of food crops and the sale of their products, access to digital and telephone services as well as opening up, through the construction of roads.
She recalled that the said project was born from the vision of the Head of State who put in place an ambitious plan for Casamance, called “the Diomaye Plan for Casamance”, adopted in an interministerial council on October 8, 2024, for a total cost of 53 billion 629 million 248 thousand 187 FCFA.
The Minister of Family and Solidarity also recalled that “the Casamance conflict has led to the desertion of many localities in this part of Senegal with displaced populations who have found refuge in other regions within the country or in localities in neighboring countries.
“Following the considerable improvement in security conditions in the area, many of them (sometimes absent for several decades) have decided to return to their lands of origin,” greeted Maïmouna Dièye.
On this occasion, the Minister of Family and Solidarity received housing construction materials for 133 displaced households returning from the Ziguinchor region and delivered three medical ambulances, including one for the Ziguinchor Hospital. Peace of Ziguinchor, one for the commune of Djibidione (Ziguinchor region) and another for the commune of Diaobé Kabendou (Kolda region).
The national coordinator of PUMA, Dr Ndeye Marième Samb, indicated that this sincere support project is part of “the humanitarian and relief action section of PUMA”.
“The resettlement component of displaced persons has a total cost of 4 billion 698 million CFA francs. We intend to carry it out with partners such as ANRAC, the regional steering committee which brings together all the territorial administrations of the regions of Ziguinchor, Sédhiou and Kolda, the NGOs, the municipalities concerned, in short, all the territorial actors “, she clarified.
Casamance, separated from northern Senegal by Gambia, is the scene of one of the oldest conflicts in Africa since separatists took to the underground after the repression of a march in December 1982.
After causing thousands of victims and devastating the economy of this region, the conflict has continually declined in intensity.
About two years ago, the national army carried out large-scale operations to neutralize the main rebel bases, thus reinforcing the lull noted in this part of the country and encouraging the return of displaced people to their villages of origin.
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