With harness reinforcement
“Firefighters from the Hemeco area called the Hesbaye area for advice”explains the one who is technical advisor to the Animals Rescue Team within the Hesbignon area. The firefighters based in Huy did not just call their Hesbignon colleagues for reinforcement, they also asked the Grimp team for a helping hand given the sloping terrain and the danger of Camarel falling even lower. They also called an emergency veterinarian, Véronique Delvaux, from VUSC for Emergency Veterinarians Relief and Disaster. All these participants were placed under the supervision of Captain Tanguy Fierens, from the Hemeco zone. With the help of a harness, Caramel was able to be extracted from the hole in which she was entangled in complete safety. An operation “which highlighted excellent coordination and total commitment from the teams on the ground”explains Michaël Robert.
Safe in his box
Once recovered from her emotions, the Caramel mare was put back on her four feet then she was put in a warm box for the night to allow her to recover from her emotions. “She was examined by the vetcontinues Michaël Robert. She should stay in her box.” In any case until the weather becomes nicer again… “With a period of snow and therefore mud in the meadows, it is not easy for the horses who have difficulty moving. Be careful because if it is slippery for us, it is for them too.”
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