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Investment charter: MAD 244 billion mobilized and reforms to reduce territorial disparities

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During his intervention at the House of Advisors, Tuesday January 7, 2025, Karim ZidaneMinister Delegate in charge of Investment, Convergence and Evaluation of public policies, presented a quantified assessment of the efforts undertaken within the framework of the new Investment charter.

The main objective of the Investment Charter is to mobilize 550 billion DH of private investments and create 500,000 jobs between 2022 and 2026. Halfway through, the results already match the ambitions.

  • 162 investment projects were approved under the basic support system, representing an investment volume of 244 billion DH and providing for the creation of 86,000 jobs.
  • A specific support system made it possible to finance 9 strategic projects up to 65 billion dirhamswith a perspective of 37,000 new jobs. These projects, by their nature and scale, should strengthen Morocco’s position in key sectors.

“These figures demonstrate the dynamic created by the Investment Charter and confirm the attractiveness of our economy,” declared the minister.

Improving the business climate is the other cornerstone of this strategy. An ambitious roadmap, including 46 initiativeswas adopted to facilitate investments. According to Karim Zidane, 83% of these initiatives were launched at the end of 2024, contributing to:

  • simplification of procedures for investors;
  • strengthening national competitiveness;
  • creating an environment favorable to innovation and ethics in business.

Since the entry into force of the Charter, 171 investment projects were validated by the national commission. Among them, 53 projects are financed by foreign capital coming from 18 paysfor a total amount of 94 billion dirhamseither 30% of overall investments approved. These foreign initiatives should lead to the creation of 54,000 jobs.

Furthermore, foreign direct investments (IDE) recorded a significant increase, reaching 39.6 billion dirhams at the end of November 2024, an increase of 30 % compared to the previous year.

The minister also highlighted the efforts made to attract Moroccan investors living abroad, citing the development of an innovative digital platform and the organization of international meetings to promote business opportunities in the kingdom.

The Investment Charter pays particular attention to reducing regional disparities. A “territorial prime”covering 80% of Moroccan provinceshas been put in place. This measure allowed 48 projects to see the light of day in less attractive areas, representing 32% of projects approved. Furthermore, efforts are underway to decentralize the management of projects smaller than 250 million dirhamsin order to process them directly at the regional level.

Karim Zidane also presented the next steps in the government’s investment strategy:

  • the creation of a National Investment Observatory to ensure rigorous monitoring;
  • accelerating the implementation of initiatives to simplify administrative procedures;
  • strengthening public-private partnerships to develop strategic projects.

“Morocco continues to consolidate its position as a destination of choice for investors, while ensuring that this dynamic benefits all regions of the country,” said the minister.

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January 9, 2025 at 12:32 p.m.

Modified January 9, 2025 at 12:32 p.m.


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