Is the government sure of the figures it put forward or does it believe that the scale of the debt is greater? If we ask this question, it is because, according to our colleagues at the newspaper The Echoesthe government recruited an independent expert to carry out a new audit of the public debt.
This new audit is in addition to that of the Court of Auditors, carried out in accordance with the Code of Transparency in the Management of Public Finances. The objective is to confirm or not the assertions of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) which, following an audit on the situation of public finances, revealed that the outstanding debt, initially estimated at 15,500 billion CFA francs, actually amounts to 17.700 billion of our poor CFA francs.
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Always according to The Echoesthis audit also highlighted the existence of drawings on external resources which had not been recorded in the national public finance statistics. The IGF also noted a heavy local bank debt, described as “parallel”, which was not integrated into the usual budgetary accounting systems.
As a reminder, The Echoes underlines that this situation could have significant consequences on the future management of the country’s public finances.
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