Inspection missions carried out in the regions of Casablanca-Settat and Marrakech-Safi reveal serious shortcomings in the management of casual worker files by certain local authorities. Non-declaration to the collective retirement plan, illegal continuity of contracts, political exploitation and delegation of sensitive missions to these employees are among the main irregularities noted.
Reports drawn up by inspection commissions commissioned by the General Inspectorate of Territorial Administration to dozens of local authorities in the regions of Casablanca-Settat and Marrakech-Safi report serious facts concerning the non-declaration by certain from these communities “casual workers” employed by their various services to the collective retirement plan (RCAR). These facts in fact go against ministerial circular No. 79-38, which stipulates that this regime must apply to contractual, temporary, daily and occasional workers employed by the State and local authorities, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of Dahir No. 216-77-1 of October 1977.
The inspectors’ reports, sources tell Hespress, mention in particular a repetition of the names of the same casual workers in the lists of employees of the services under these local authorities for long periods, sometimes reaching almost a year, without respecting the principle of breaking continuity and spacing of time between letters of commitment, so that the condition of continuity is not met. The same sources also explain that the presidents of the municipalities concerned ignored the remarks of the governors urging them to take into account the renewal of contracts with this category of workers in order to avoid the continuity of the working relationship with them, in accordance with the requirements of Circular No. 1 of January 19, 2009 concerning the termination of the employment of temporary workers and the legalization of the employment of casual and daily workers.
The same sources affirmed that inspectors from the Ministry of the Interior noted other irregularities relating to electoral and political exploitation, by employing relatives and acquaintances of members of the municipal councils, without adopting clear criteria. These sources also add that the inspection reports also highlighted the delegation by heads of municipalities of the management of sensitive missions in municipal services to casual workers, which threatens the normal functioning of these public establishments, underlining that some of them have become holders of seals and have access to professional secrets and very sensitive documents.
It should be noted that casual workers are subject to the provisions of Circular No. 11-68 of March 28, 1968. They generally receive their remuneration directly from the authorizing officers.
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