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Weather forecast for January 2025 in Quebec: Prepare to see all kinds

Winter has already sunk its icy teeth into Quebec, covering the province with a thick coat of snow…before melting under the mildness and the rain, then freezing under the ice. After these winter roller coasters of the last few weeks, what does the rest of the season have in store for us? According to some weather forecasts, January 2025 could well surprise you. Yes, forget about the intense cold waves for the moment, and take out your umbrella.

If on the one hand, meteorologists predict a generally mild winter, which could even lack its usual character in the Belle Province, intense and unpredictable episodes are to be expected on the other! More precisely, real “weather cocktails” risk complicating this season.

Also read: The weather forecast for December is revealed and here’s what to expect for Christmas

What you need to know: January and even February are going to be complicated… even for people who love winter!

In southern Quebec, the precipitation forecast will mainly be a mixture of rain, freezing rain, sleet and snow, according to specialists from the MétéoMédia channel. On the other hand, the northwest of the province could be the “big winner” with more abundant snowfall.

“A winter of all kinds of storms,” predicts meteorologist Réjean Ouimet. “Snow in the north and episodes of rain and wind for the south. Less dense and frequent snow, as in recent winters, which will be erased by rain. »

Even if coastal systems will be less present this winter, disturbances from Colorado or the Gulf of Mexico remain possible. These could bring “good storms, but probably not these big broadsides of 60 cm and more”, specifies André Monette.

What’s coming: Based on a mathematical and astronomical formula used for more than two centuries, the Farmers’ Almanac shared its long-term predictions for the province via a formula reserved for its subscribed customers. Find out now what awaits you from January 1 to 31, 2025:

  • January 1 to 3: A coastal storm brings heavy rain and strong winds near Atlantic regions;
  • January 4 to 7: A brief period of calm and tranquil conditions;
  • January 8 to 11: A rapid system (“clipper”) deposits up to 8 cm of snow in Quebec;
  • January 12 to 15: Snowy and windy conditions in Quebec;
  • January 16 to 19: Humid weather with unusually mild warming;
  • January 20 to 23: Fast-moving coastal storm brings moderate to heavy snow to Quebec;
  • January 24 to 27: Another system passing further south touches Quebec with light snow or flakes;
  • January 28 to 31: Windy and colder weather to end the month.

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