DayFR Euro

the Postal Bank conquers businesses

It seems a long way from the days of Dad's postal checking accounts, when La Poste was content to manage the accounts of its customers to whom it never lent a penny. However, it was only in 2006 that the Postal Bank was born, now the leading financier of local authorities and hospitals, and in 2011 that its branch, the Business and Local Development Bank (BEDL), appeared, making little by little from the 100% subsidiary of the Post Office a bank almost like the others.

Deputy director of the BEDL in charge of the entire north of New Aquitaine, Christophe Palengat does not hide the fact that the task is tough to win over customers in an already very competitive market.

Starting from scratch

“But we are experiencing strong progress”, underlines the banking framework while recognizing with a smile: “It’s true that it’s easier starting from scratch! »

Postal workers are not bankers, especially when it comes to dealing with companies, but they are a gateway to a customer service manager (for companies with an annual turnover of less than 8 million ) or to one of the three business managers who spread across the seven departments in the north of the region (including Juliette Reymond for and Deux-Sèvres).

For its managers, the Postal Bank has reached maturity

A mission-driven company since 2022, the Postal Bank makes a point of paying particular attention to the projects of companies engaged in the same approach: “We are a force for proposals and advice”, affirms Christophe Palengat.

His bank is resolutely committed to “green” labeled products. Unlike its competitors, it does not have to disengage from fossil fuels since, from its creation, it decided to stay away from them.

Green loans

On the other hand, it is seeking to establish itself in renewable energy projects, of which it is already the fourth financier. It is also very involved in improving the carbon footprint of its clients.

That's what makes the difference between a bank which strives to demonstrate that it “has reached maturity”, with a full range of services, which Christophe Palengat, without false modesty, sums up in four words: “We know how to do everything. »

The postal bank, business management, 4 rue du Pré-Médard, 86280 Saint-Benoît.

Manager: Christophe Palengat, deputy business director in charge of northern New Aquitaine.


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