It is an “extraordinary surge of solidarity” that the Fondation de France evokes with the Mayotte la 1ère channel. The Foundation has already collected 23 million euros to help those affected by Cyclone Chido, which devastated the island on December 14.
The Fondation de France has already implemented actions in Mayotte by supporting a collective of several associations. This collective “organizes access to basic needs: distribution of hygiene kits, water decontamination filters, cleaning of latrines and repair of wastewater evacuation systems, provision of means of shelter to most vulnerable populations,” explains the Foundation.
Call from different associations
The Likoli Dago association is also supported by the Foundation “in order to establish a diagnosis of housing (formal, informal, public and private) within the Talus 2 slum in Majicavo-Koropa, where the Fondation de France had contributed to the construction of houses. Finally, the Fondation de France provided its support to Médecins du Monde.
Other associations are appealing to the generosity of the French: Civil Protection, which mobilizes its teams to clear roads or open dispensaries, received 1.5 million euros in donations. The Red Cross, Médecins du Monde, Secours populaire, Secours catholique and the Grand Mosque of Paris have also launched calls for generosity.
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