You will find them until January 15 at Place Verdun, Tissié car parks, Place Récaborde, Place Clemenceau, Place du Foirail, Place Albert 1er, Place d'Espagne, Rue Émile Garet, Place de la République and Rue Carrérot (on the corner with Boulevard Barbanègre).
You can of course also return your Christmas tree to the seller, plant it if it still has its roots, or take it to one of the six recycling centers in the city.
All naked in the brown bin
For the holidays, the little trees can finally be placed in the brown bin (note, collection is monthly during the winter: the next one will take place the week of January 6) under certain conditions: the lid must be able to close (trees that are too large or left outside the bins will not be collected, as will bundles left nearby) and the trees must not have any decorations, pots, bases, artificial snow, or plastic tree bags.
The editorial team advises you
In fact, the trees recovered by the Agglo de Pau are crushed and transformed into compost.
The community also reminds that illegal dumping of bulky plant matter is punishable by a fine of €35 to €450.
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