Corsica is placed on orange alert by Météo-France for the day of Friday December 20, 2024, due to an episode of violent winds linked to the “Dionisio” depression. This alert, which will take effect during the night of Thursday to Friday, results in the suspension of all school and intercity transport across the entire island.
Due to the dangerous situation, boarding students will benefit from an exceptional return this Thursday evening, via the intercity transport network. The Corsican Community recommends that the population exercise the greatest caution and keep informed of developments in the situation on its official website (
The forecasts
According to forecasts, the westerly wind is expected to strengthen overnight, with gusts of 90 to 100 km/h affecting the majority of the island. In Balagne and on mountain ridges, peaks reaching 120 to 140 km/h are expected. Cap Corse, particularly exposed, could record extreme gusts of up to 180 km/h.
On Friday morning, the wind will change direction, blowing from the north-northwest with gusts of 100 to 120 km/h, including in coastal areas that are usually less exposed. The situation should begin to calm down in the afternoon, with winds expected to weaken in the evening.
This episode of violent winds is caused by the “Dionisio” depression, currently in the Tyrrhenian Sea. This generates a powerful westerly current which affects the island before a rapid shift towards the northwest on Friday morning. Authorities recommend limiting non-essential travel
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