falling Saint-Brieuc-de-Mauron (56): 294 inhabitants in the commune.
The new legal population which comes into force in the municipality of Saint-Brieuc-de-Mauron as of January 1, 2025 is 294 habitants. This figure corresponds to the 2022 census (more details on these date differences in the box below). What trend? According to INSEE, this represents a variation in -51 habitants between 2016 and 2022. That is a decrease of 14.8% in the population of this municipality over this period of time.
Each year, on average, over the last 6 years, Saint-Brieuc-de-Mauron therefore records -2,6% inhabitants compared to a year earlier. Due to the institute’s calculation methods, only this evolution calculated over a period of several years, and not from one year to the next, makes it possible to know a solid trend.
rising In the intercommunality of Saint-Brieuc-de-Mauron
Saint-Brieuc-de-Mauron is the 25th most populated municipality in its EPCI. In total, the Ploërmel Community now counts 42 842 habitants. In 6 years, this territory recorded +674 inhabitants, which represents an increase of 1.6% in the population over this period. That is, each year on average, +0,26% of inhabitants.
Out of a little more than 60 intercommunalities which include a municipality in administrative Brittany, this EPCI ranks 24th place. Here is the detail of the new number of inhabitants, municipality by municipality, in this territory:
Rank in the EPCI | Commune | Population |
1 |
Ploërmel |
10 021 |
2 |
Mauron |
3 169 |
3 |
Val d’Oust |
2 808 |
4 |
Josselin |
2 559 |
5 |
Taupont |
2 400 |
6 |
Guégon |
2 308 |
7 |
Lanoué Forges |
2 190 |
8 |
Campénéac |
1 940 |
9 |
loyat |
1 734 |
10 |
Ménéac |
1 478 |
11 |
Guillac |
1 402 |
12 |
Guilliers |
1 352 |
13 |
Néant-sur-Yvel |
1 070 |
14 |
Please |
988 |
15 |
The Hellean Cross |
881 |
16 |
Saint-Servant |
789 |
17 |
Concoret |
765 |
18 |
Gourhel |
724 |
19 |
La Trinité-Porhoët |
667 |
20 |
Cruguel |
661 |
21 |
Saint-Malo-des-Trois-Fontaines |
562 |
22 |
Helléan |
384 |
23 |
Montertelot |
370 |
24 |
La Grée-Saint-Laurent |
310 |
25 |
Saint-Brieuc-de-Mauron |
294 |
26 |
Lantillac |
291 |
27 |
Évriguet |
210 |
28 |
Saint-Léry |
205 |
29 |
Brignac |
198 |
30 |
Tréhorenteuc |
112 |
rising In the Morbihan department
And throughout the department? The population from Morbihan reached 776 103 habitantsor +28,555 inhabitants over 6 years. With this number of inhabitants, this territory constitutes the 3rd department in number of inhabitants of administrative Brittany. Saint-Brieuc-de-Mauron is the 241st most populated municipality in this department.
In evolution, for the entire department of Morbihan, this represents an increase of 4% in the population over 6 years, i.e. +0,6% each year, on average. In comparison, the population of administrative Brittany increased by 3.5% between 2016 and 2022, representing an average annual gain of inhabitants of +0,6% over this same period, stable compared to last year’s results.
This article was published automatically from processing of Insee data carried out by Le Télégramme for each municipality in Brittany
What is the postal code of the town of Saint-Brieuc-de-Mauron?
The postal code of the commune of Saint-Brieuc-de-Mauron is: 56430.
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