Today, the Foundation is proud to announce the takeover of the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry EHPAD in Villejuif. In a short interview, the brand new director, Yi Yang-Waterman looks back on her career and reveals her main priorities for the future of the establishment.
Who are you ? Could you quickly go back over your journey?
I have been involved in the EHPAD sector since 2018. I started as a work-study intern, then as an assistant manager, before having the opportunity to be appointed director in several establishments. The EHPAD and medico-social sector is therefore of great importance to me, and I have fully dedicated my career to it.
In a few figures, tell us about the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry EHPAD?
It is located in Villejuif and today has 152 places in permanent accommodation, 5 places in temporary accommodation, 3 places in night reception, as well as 10 places in day reception. We also have a team of around 100 employees, who work every day to ensure the well-being of our residents.
What are your top 3 priorities?
The objective is to continue to promote good treatment and kindness within the establishment, by cultivating a culture of respect and well-being, both for residents and for teams. We also want to put in place a work organization adapted to the current needs of the structure and finally to strengthen partnerships with external stakeholders (prescribers, local partners, etc.) in order to broaden the EHPAD’s openness to its environment!
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