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Orpheus in the Congo or the art of joy according to the choreographer Alain Platel and his gang at the Comédie de Genève

Published on December 19, 2024 at 08:31. / Modified on December 19, 2024 at 08:39.

3 mins. reading

And if that was what joy was, Coup fatal which we recommend to all our friends – reader, you have until Saturday. If it were this stormy entrance, these lilac falzars of fanciful hussars, these soles of fire which magnetize the fireflies, this orchestra which unfolds its rumba on a drunken canoe, these percussions which command the insurrection, these Congolese cocodès which make you of the eye, this Orpheus who fools the shadows with arias to make the birds cry, this parade of extravagant hats for the great ball of happy revolutions.

And what Coup fatal, dreamed and sewn together by the composer Fabrizio Cassol, the choreographer Alain Platel and the Congolese musician Rodriguez Vangama was this rapture that we were calling for, just now, so that the bad air of bad luck no longer freezes us. At the Comédie de Genève on Tuesday, a battalion of musicians, dancers, singers, all wild, all stunning like the countertenor Coco Diaz, raised high the banner of clairvoyant crossbreeding.

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