« OThey are almost robots. » In front of the premises of the Directorate of Public Assistance – Hospitals of Marseille (AP-HM), this Wednesday in Marseille, Tristan, nurse in a neurosurgery unit at the Timone hospital, sounds the alarm. “ It’s impossible to manage. One nurse for 24 patients ? He works on the assembly line and forgets all his safety automatisms », he denounces. At his side, David, a nurse in another neurosurgery unit in the same establishment, shares this observation: “ When we are alone, we obviously have to move quickly, we do care slaughter. » Before storming: “ The heart of the business, the human relationship, has disappeared. And in the long run, we end up with burnout and a system of generalized mistreatment. »
Around the two caregivers, around fifty others gathered during a call for mobilization, coupled with a strike, launched by Force Ouvrière. All warn about the state of the neurosciences center within the AP-HM, several units of which suffer from chronic understaffing. “ There are never more than 3 or 4 in the department », confirm Tristan and David, stressing that they should be double to ensure proper functioning. Clément, in the multiple sclerosis department, attached to the same center as his colleagues, also denounces “ a lack of arms and means “, and explains that they are regularly ” that a nurse and a caregiver » for a mere 25 patients. In the neurosurgery department of the North Hospital of Marseille, several caregivers describe “ a service running in degraded mode “. And the various testimonies are chilling, like that of Tristan. “ I work 12 hours, he explains, and I’m 12 patients to be taken care of. On paper, that’s one hour per patient. But take away the 150 calls I have per day, the time spent talking to doctors, the administrative burden… In the end, I only speak for one minute with the patient. »
“Institutional mistreatment”
Audrey Jolibois, FO AP-HM general secretary, even speaks of “ institutional abuse. We have reached a fairly serious level, the agents are exhausted and it is widespread », she explains. If the agents were received by the human resources department after the rally, the unionist is more than disappointed with the result: “ We haven’t moved an inch forward, we haven’t had any concrete answers. » On the other hand, the management of the AP-HM assures that it wants “ maintain an open dialogue with professionals and social partners, with the aim of continuing to strengthen neurosurgery organizations “. According to her, “ the dialogue was specifically opened to strengthen the workforce, by identifying solutions in favor of a more fluid organization of care, in line with the expectations of professionals ».
Expectations which remain unfulfilled for the time being.
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