« Cit’s a real pleasure to see this event take place here at the Relais petite jeunesse les petits princes of the departmental center for social integration (CEDIS), an association that I had the great pleasure of directing for more than 20 ans », begins the mayor of Toulon Josée Massi (DVD).
The opportunity, since the agreements which will be signed subsequently aim to facilitate the professional integration of the most vulnerable, to highlight Fatou, the current director of the Relais Petite Enfance, whose commitment she praised, but also “ the exemplary journey in terms of integration and success ». « EShe started at the RSA, and gradually went through all its stages “, she explains. Better than that even, since the educator of young children who today runs the structure has also managed to create in Senegal “ a nursery that conveys the same values », that is to say offering places for professional integration (AVIP) and places for social integration (AVIS).
The mayor and vice-president of TPM wanted to recall the continuity of her action as an elected official “ in favor of social policies ». « Acting in favor of early childhood means protecting and nurturing the adults of tomorrow “, she insists. The City is committed to this with all associations, adds Josée Massi, including CEDIS, which, since 2003, has created crèches which not only employ people with the RSA with the aim of qualifying them but also offer reserved places for children. beneficiaries who return to work.
The president of CEDIS in turn highlighted “ the importance of promoting equal opportunities “. Alongside him, the director of the association Florence Ronsoux developed the three complementary sectors which are the integration center, an integration company, “Les Mamans Chefs du Monde”, and a childcare offer for young children.
Two young single mothers Thiphanie and Sabrina then came to talk about their own journey within the structure and the support provided to them.
“We must fight against
determinism »
Yolande Eskenazi, the commissioner for the fight against poverty, recalled that 850,000 people are in poverty in the region, and that the halo of poverty represents 1/4 of the population. “ We must never forget it », she insists, explaining that one of the tools to deal with it is to combat inequalities from early childhood through a social investment policy.
« To the impossible we are required », summarizes Julien Orlandini, the director of the CAF du Var, highlighting the emancipatory value of employment and the importance of supporting the associative network.
And to conclude: “ The fight is early childhood, that’s where a lot of things are at stake. We must fight against determinism. »
Same story for sub-prefect Jean-Baptiste Morinaud, who declares: “ From a very young age, we must worry about the future of these future citizens. »
Which implies resources that meet the challenges to support them and their parents.
One of the State representatives in the department also points out the poverty rate in the Var which is 15.7% and mainly concerns people under thirty with strong disparities between rural areas. and city centers.
The agreements signed aim, he adds, to fight against obstacles to employment and against extreme poverty with a particular focus on single-parent families.
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