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Accused by rebellious MP Antoine Léaument of having visited Bashar al-Assad in 2021, Andréa Kotarac assured that he had already visited Syria on behalf of LFI in 2018. La France insoumise denies this.
While several press articles highlight the complacency or support of Jean-Luc Mélenchon with regard to the regime of Bashar al-Assad, the rebellious MP Antoine Léaument attempted to take a step aside by publishing, on the social network photograph showing the Syrian dictator in the company of RN politicians. There we see MEP Thierry Mariani and Marine Le Pen's parliamentary collaborator and party spokesperson, Andréa Kotarac. Former member of La France Insoumise, Andréa Kotarac turned her back on Jean-Luc Mélenchon's party by calling to vote for RN during the May 2019 European elections.
The original photo was posted by Andréa Kotarac himself on (since dismissed due to a conviction for domestic violence).
Andréa Kotarac reacted to Antoine Léaument's publication, by publishing this message: “Can someone intelligent remind Antoine Léaument that when I went to Syria for the first time in 2018, I was elected and mandated by La France Insoumise?” A turnaround judged “tasty” by his employer, Marine Le Pen.
Andréa Kotarac traveled to Syria at least three times: in August 2021 on behalf of the RN (as shown by Antoine Léaument), again in August 2019
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