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NIMES: An exceptional donation of €50,000 to the Banque Alimentaire du

In Nîmes, six trucks from the Banque Alimentaire du were destroyed after being set on fire on the night of Wednesday 27 to Thursday 28 November 2024.

Faced with the emergency, Crédit Mutuel Méditerranéen and Caisse Fédérale de Crédit Mutuel are mobilizing and announcing an exceptional donation of 50,000 euros to the NGO. Essential support to enable the Gard Food Bank to respond to the growing need for solidarity during this end-of-year period.

Food Banks – Emergency Solidarity

Arson attacks on six trucks from the Banque Alimentaire du Gard: Crédit Mutuel mobilizes and makes an exceptional donation of 50,000 euros

In Nîmes, six trucks from the Gard Food Bank were destroyed after being set on fire during the night of Wednesday 27 to Thursday 28 November 2024. Faced with the emergency, Crédit Mutuel Méditerranéen and the Caisse Fédérale de Crédit Mutuel are mobilizing and announce that they are making an exceptional donation of 50,000 euros to the NGO. Essential support to enable the Gard Food Bank to respond to the growing need for solidarity during this end-of-year period.

“This is a heinous act!” Local bank, we are there for solidarity. To cope with the losses and allow the Gard Food Bank to continue its mission of collecting food for the 93 partner associations for the benefit of 42,000 people in the department, we have decided to mobilize immediately. declare Daniel Baal, president of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale and Bernard Dalbiez, president of Crédit Mutuel Méditerranéen.

In this period when beneficiary families need it most, Crédit Mutuel
shows its support for the Banque Alimentaire du Gard victims of this malicious act.
To help it get through this ordeal, the mutual bank is announcing an exceptional and immediate donation of 50,000 euros.
In 2023, the mutualist group was already there for solidarity. Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, a loyal patron of the associations, released exceptional aid of 5 million euros to support the action of Food Banks at the national level, over two years. Support, made possible thanks to the societal dividend, which will allow them in particular to secure their supply of essential foodstuffs (food products, hygiene).
An essential measure to combat poverty. Today, more than 2.4 million people benefit from food aid through the Food Bank network, three times more than ten years ago.

About Crédit Mutuel Méditerranéen

Crédit Mutuel Méditerranéen, a regional mutual bank, has 164 points of sale spread across 13 departments in Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur, Corsica and . Its 1,300 employees and 1,700 elected officials have the major objective of providing quality service at the fairest cost to all customers and members.

About Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale

A leading bank insurer in , with more than 77,000 employees serving more than 30 million customers, Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale offers a multi-service offering to a clientele of individuals, local professionals and businesses of all sizes, via its 4 500 points of sale.
Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale brings together the Crédit Mutuel banks of the Center Est Europe (), Sud-Est (), Ile-de-France (), Savoie-Mont Blanc (), Midi Atlantique (), federations -Atlantic and Center West (), Center (Orléans), (), Dauphiné-Vivarais (), Mediterranean (), Anjou (), Massif Central (Clermont-Ferrand), Antilles-Guyana (Fort-de-France) and North Europe ().
Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale also brings together Caisse Fédérale de Crédit Mutuel, Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel (BFCM) and all of its subsidiaries, notably CIC.

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