DayFR Euro

Vaud: cropped for having worn the veil in front of the gymnasiums

Since the start of the school year in September, a HEP trainee has worn the Islamic headscarf on several occasions, while she is training at the Yverdon Gymnasium (VD). “Has authorization been granted to him?” asked UDC deputy Fabien Deillon to the Vaud Council of State. The answer is no, because it is prohibited. “Wearing the veil being a religious symbol, it is thus prohibited in schools for staff given contact with students,” the Executive declared on Tuesday.

The cantonal directive on the clothing of administration staff is indeed clear. Collaborators “refrain from displaying signs that undermine the credibility and image of the State vis-à-vis the population, such as signs with strong symbolic significance, or ostensibly revealing a belief, an belonging political or religious. The rule also applies to personnel in training, explained the Council of State.

The director of the establishment was informed of the facts, who, in turn, notified the General Directorate of Post-compulsory Education. The trainee was summoned on September 3. But the interview did not change his mind. The young woman continued to wear the veil as part of her duties within the secondary establishment.

“In this context, a new interview with management took place on October 29, at the end of which the trainee concerned confirmed that she now complies with the directive in force,” reports the Vaud Executive. The latter adds that the Training Department ensures compliance and, in the event of a recurrence, it reserves the right to take “any measure capable of putting an end to this irregular situation”.


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