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The Regional Natural Park celebrates at the Chorus in , this Sunday, December 1st

How can we bring the Gulf of Morbihan Regional Natural Park (PNR) closer to its inhabitants? How can we pinpoint the issues? Going through a festive and fun day considers the joint union. To mark the tenth anniversary of the creation of the PNR, this Sunday, December 1, it is organizing a day of activities, games and conferences. Children and their parents will find options for them.

Games, such as trivial waste, another around the carbon footprint, a fingerprint game, a “birdy memory”, will be offered. Workshops on the natural garden, my zero waste bathroom, the transformation of the garden into a refuge or even on microplastics and the rise in sea levels are also scheduled.

Conferences and virtual reality

A virtual reality headset will also allow you to dive to the bottom of the gulf, exhibitions will allow you to familiarize yourself with the seabed and biodiversity. Participatory workshops to imagine the territory of tomorrow will also be offered. At 2 p.m., a conference entitled what assets and points of vigilance for a healthy territory?, will be offered by Cilm'actions and the Park, followed, at 3 p.m., by a conference entitled waste through the ages, hosted by François Ars, vice-president of Sysem and professor of history.

Our file on ten years of the PNR


Ten years of the PNR, Sunday December 1, from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., in hall B of Chorus Park, in . Free entry.


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