Between severe frosts and the return of mild weather, Aveyron goes through all the emotions when waking up. What does Météo France predict for this Tuesday, November 26, 2024?
Values well below 0 shortly after mid-November, then a mercury at the gates of 10°C, Monday : the minimalists yo-yo in Aveyron, between icy atmosphere and remarkable softness. What to expect for this Tuesday, November 26, 2024?
In the positive
According to the Météo France bulletin, the minimum stay positive, on this second day of the week. It is at Nant and Laguiole that the thermometer is the coolest, with 3°C. The bulletin is based on a temperature of 4°C in Rodez, Sévérac and Salles-Curan. In Entraygues, Villefranche, La Salvetat, Belmont and Saint-Affrique, the forecasts are mildest in the early morning (7°C).
Concerning the sky, it is veiled in the south of the department with mist to also disrupt the sunrise. To the north, near Villefranche and Entraygues, the sky will be overcast.
(As a reminder, the temperatures announced on the map above are the mid-morning values, and not the minimums)
And for the afternoon?
As for the rest of the day, this heavy sky will dominate almost the entire department with the exception of the south of the department, where the sky will persist despite a few clouds. The maximums will cross the bar 10°C with the exception of Laguiole and Sévérac.
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