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IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. In Saint-Brieuc, a first Grand Bazaar of Fine Arts, sunny and full of promise

The Georges-Pompidou esplanade looked like a public garden on Saturday, June 29, 2024. Indeed, for its first end-of-year party, the students of the Saint-Brieuc School of Fine Arts (Côtes-d’Armor) had chosen to spread a blanket on the ground to present and sell their creations. Not surprising for an event called “The Great Fine Arts Bazaar”.

Read also : The Chamboultout festival returns with an extensive program in Saint-Brieuc

All the stands were placed on the lawn of the Georges-Pompidou esplanade. | WEST FRANCE
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All the stands were set up on the lawn of the Georges-Pompidou esplanade. | OUEST-FRANCE

“It’s an experiment and above all a time for meetings and conviviality around artistic practice workshops”jokes Solenn Morel, the new director of the school.

The drawings that counted for the competition were exhibited inside the school. | OUEST-FRANCE
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The drawings that counted for the competition were exhibited inside the school. | OUEST-FRANCE

Discovery and initiation

And there was something for everyone: drawings, paintings, engravings and other volumes. Throughout the day, sessions for young and old, led by the school’s teachers, were offered. The public could discover and learn about screen printing, drawing on site with chalk, participate in a collective creation in colored tissue paper or even paint a fresco on the floor with Meudon white.

Émile, 8 years old, is refining his drawing for the competition. | OUEST-FRANCE
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Émile, 8 years old, refines his drawing for the competition. | WEST FRANCE

A painting competition was also organized. The winner will see their work, which will be printed in large format, affixed to the facade of the school during the summer. “She will announce the next school year”continues the director.

Several stands offered sculptures. | OUEST-FRANCE
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Several stands offered sculptures. | OUEST-FRANCE

Visitors were also invited to vote for the most beautiful children’s and adults’ stands. At the end of the afternoon, the winners were offered a set of supplies.


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