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Who is behind Izaid, masked singer, who has just won a gold record?

the essential
In the shadow of his studio in Castres, Celin Broche, known by his stage name Izaid, caused a sensation with his song “Dans sa chambre”, which has accumulated 7.7 million views on YouTube and 15 million streams. This dazzling success earned him a gold record, rewarding his talent and hard work.

Arriving in Castres at the age of 9, Celin Broche, 29, has always had music in his skin. “I started writing in CM2 at Notre Dame high school, then I continued at Barral and at Borde Basse high school,” says the man who took Izaid as his artist name. At 17, he stopped studying to devote himself fully to music: “I saw no other way out, for me, it was that or nothing. » Today, he has nearly 22,000 followers on Instagram and his success has earned him a gold disc awarded by the National Phonographic Edition Union (Snep) with his song “In his room”, listened to 15 million times.

“I have always been in love with music, it was just natural”

Izaid began to break through four years ago: “There was a channel called ABCrap which shared a lot of sounds from different artists and since I wasn’t very well known, I said to myself that I would try my luck. My music got off to the best start and the algorithm meant that the video was successful on my channel. » His song “J’attend que m’aime” reached 12 million views.

“I’ve always been in love with music, it was just natural,” he confides. His beginnings date back to his middle school days and early evenings with friends. “I used to do slams when I was in 6th grade, I remember. Afterwards, we said to ourselves ‘ah, but what if we wrote’. Then, my friends gave up music, but I always stuck with it.”

Izaid has never worked on the side: “I dedicated myself completely to that,” he admits, acknowledging having gone through difficult periods. “I even harvested Lautrec’s pink garlic, but I quickly understood that it wasn’t for me. » His songs are often melancholy and talk about love: “I often talk about my disappointments in love, I might as well make something out of it,” he says amusedly.

“My goal in music was not to be a star”

On the Internet, Izaid always wears a mask, a decision made after the unexpected success of his music. “My goal in music was not to be a star, to tour. I wanted to be known for my music. With a mask, everyone can identify, you can put anyone’s face underneath,” he explains. This choice reinforces his image as a mysterious and universal artist, focused on emotions rather than appearance. “I talk about feelings, not my physical appearance,” he adds.

“I did everything alone, I don’t owe my gold record to anyone.”

Izaid’s success would not have been possible without the support of his parents. “My father helped me administratively and my mother supported me emotionally,” he says. His father, an engineer at Seppic, and his mother, a psychotherapist, always believed in him. “I draw huge inspiration from my parents, from their love. They have been lucky and unlucky enough to experience a lot of things in their lives. »

Today, signed under the Believe label, Izaid is preparing his first album “Seul”, scheduled for September or October. “I did everything alone, my gold record, I owe it to no one”, he proudly states. He often works at night, finding his inspiration until 5 am.

With millions of views and a loyal following, Izaid continues to chart his path, inspiring his fans and proving that, even in the shadows, you can shine. His music remains a personal outlet and a refuge for those who identify with it.


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