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Legislative elections 2024 in Yvelines: diving into France which votes, on the markets of Mantois


Renaud Vilafranca

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 2:45 p.m.

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A few days before the first round of the legislative elections which will take place this Sunday, June 30, 2024, 78 - went to question some inhabitants of Mantois. A meeting with the voters of the eighth constituency of Yvelines, in the markets of Mantes-la-Jolie and Follainville-Dennemont, to find out if they have made their choice and what they think of this somewhat murky political situation.

“The least worst in the first round”

First observation, the undecided are few in number. Almost all the people we meet will go to the polls on Sunday and know for whom they will cast a ballot. “I voted LR last time. There, I will choose the least worst in the first round, then we will see”, confided, enigmatic, Pascal, 59 years old, living in a village in Vexin. “I’m more of a right-winger, but not the extremes. I will vote for Macron’s candidate,” explained Gisèle, a 76-year-old from Mantaise, “satisfied” with the policy of the outgoing Government.

The RN vote is more easily displayed than before

A sound of bell that we ultimately heard very little. Our investigation did not no sounding valuebut we can still note that the New Popular Front (NFP) and the National Rally are the two trends that emerged among the people questioned.

And contrary to what we observed when questioning people in the street for previous elections, the electors of Jordan Bardella’s party are much less reluctant today to say out loud what they will decide in the secrecy of the voting booth.

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“For me, it will be the RN. The proposals, the traditions… I find myself in their program.”

A young woman encountered in the center of Dennemont

“I don’t like Macron”

Jean-Luc, sixty years old, Drocourt, will also opt for the extreme right, which from election to election always achieves significant scores in the villages of Mantois. “I don’t like Macron, I don’t like his way of doing things,” he says by way of explanation.

At the opposite end of the political spectrum, voters also seemed convincedlike Jocelyne, 58 years old: “I will vote for Benjamin Lucas (the outgoing Nupes MP in the 8e constituency). It is a vote of adhesion. I think he has his chances. The polls don’t worry me that much. Even if the RN won, it could not do much. That’s a lot of talk. »

“I’m afraid the country will find itself blocked”

While in recent years, during this type of exercise, we have come across many, even a majority of peoplecompletely disinterested in the vote, there, almost everyone feels “concerned” and even “worried” in this territory where participation timidly reached 40% in 2022. “Who will lift the country up? This political situation questions me”, testified Nassima, in her forties.

“I’m worried. What will come of this? I’m afraid the country will find itself blocked, without a clear majority,” said Jocelyne, a sixty-year-old who, “disappointed” with the PS, is preparing to voter RN. “I no longer have anything to fear at my age, it’s more for the kids that all this is complicated,” says his mother, who has not yet made her choice.

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